Genre : A novel, adult fiction Approximate length : 45,000 words, or 200 pages (@350 words per page) in three chunks, or chapters Status : Final Copy 02.2022 Book notes 1. Two issues. One, who is telling the story? It is not always clear. There is Ron and there is someone reporting dialogue. How to resolve? Second, there should be a trajectory with clear breadcrumbs from beginning to the remains of the loaf at the end. That trajectory should be from lack of self awareness vis a vis personal issues and hang-ups to greater awareness; from selfish concerns to a clear consciousness of the person of the other; from being acted upon to acting; from the tool of testosterone (desire) to mastering one's drives and hormones. Need time before revisiting this draft, like letting the wine ferment. I thought the work would be further along, but I see more improvements and clarifications can be made. Takes on a summary (other than as appears elsewhere on this site): A...
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